Contact us

Help Central

Tutorials and articles to help you solve your questions

Customer service

Reach out to our team of specialists at Nomad. Conversations held in Portuguese.
Work hours: 24h, all days of the week, including holidays.


To share critics, complaints, or suggestions.
Work hours: from Monday to Friday, except Brazilian holidays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Access the link below
Be a partner
Reach out to our Commercial team
To request interviews and official information from Nomad
Account and card
Matters related to your current account or card (virtual or physical).
+1 (689) 220-6078
Matters related to the use of the application (registration, currency exchange or others).
(11) 4200-0204
+1 (689) 220-6078
Ethics Channel
This channel is exclusively for reporting suspicious situations and attitudes that may reveal harassment, money laundering, corruption, conflict of interest and fraud within the company or relating to conduct that is not in accordance with the Code of Ethics and our values.
Did you see any irregularities? Report! It is 100% confidential and secure.
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